Mixed media for fearless artists

 Happy New Year, my creative friends! 

Have you always wanted to just jump into a new painting 

and explore different techniques? 

I do it all the time and I am here to help you be a more courageous artist by using a variety of water media methods and materials! 


Last summer I had the pleasure of helping my friends at the Florida Watercolor Society by creating a video about my fearless painting techniques for their 2020 online convention. In the video below you will get to watch as I pour watercolors, paint with acrylics and use paper collage all to create a mixed media landscape painting inspired by my yard. 
I hope you will enjoy watching this video as I create a painting that I now call
My Giverny". If you are interested in learning more about my fearless artwork, I invite you to visit my art galleries

Are you curious about learning more about how to paint? Did you know that my Fearless Painting art classes are now on line! Are you interested in learning more about my methods of fearless painting? You can learn how to paint fearlessly with me, online, in one of my many classes scheduled for 2021. To read about my upcoming art classes for using watercolors, acrylics and collage please go to my art classes page on this web site.                                                                                                  I am teaching transparent watercolor, acrylics and an intermediate mixed media using watercolors, acrylics and collage class this year. You do not have to live in Washington state to sign up , since these classes are all on line! All you need to do is sign up for your class of choice, grab your art supplies and then get ready to have some fun as you can watch me paint, share techniques and paint along! Check out my winter courses sponsored by the Spokane Community College and ACT 2 programs:                                                    Learn all about painting with either acrylics or watercolors, sponsored by the Spokane Community College starting Wednesday evenings February 3,2021 at 5:30pm(pacific time)                                                                                                                                    Have you been painting with watercolors, acrylics or doing mixed media? Are you looking for an intermediate level class to take your work to the next level? How about my Friday Morning class sponsored by the ACT 2 program that begins on February 5?

Come paint with me and become a fearless artist!

Please check back soon, I will have more of my artwork to share with you, fearless painting  informational articles, step by step demos & videos for you to watch and try out at my YouTube page.
In the mean time.....

Stay well and stay creative, my friends! Elise


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